I love all men but to get in my pants, you've gotta check off these boxes.
Bottoms let me know what you think and tops, take some notes.
I’m not going to shut up about this because this is THE GREEN LIGHT, okay. Dominant tops are just a different species that attract me...
I’ve definitely experienced a lot as a gay person ever since I officially became gay when I was like 20 years old.
Let’s recap. My first bottoming experience lasted 5 seconds because I didn’t know a single thing about bottoming, my first love was with somebody that was in a...
People are always asking me, “Kevin, how do you bottom and feel amazing doing it?”
While I am happy that I’m at a point in my life where I know how to bottom in the most safe and fun way possible, I’m sad that a lot of you guys out there don’t know how to bottom...